5 reasons to hire a bookkeeper

With only a few months left in tax season, you may be thinking about ways to make your life easier next year - or maybe even this year (treat yourself). More and more small business owners outsource their bookkeeping and tax prep every year. It doesn’t matter your business structure or style, there is a bookkeeper out there for you! Bookkeepers help clients across tons of different industries and with varied tax situations.

You may be wondering WHY small business owners choose to hire a bookkeeper. Today, I’ve compiled a list of reasons that my clients have shared with me in their decision to outsource their books.

1. Numbers aren’t their thing

Most people don’t start a business because they LOVE calculating profitability or looking into expenses. In fact, for many small business owners, managing their books is the biggest pain point. I won’t even bring up tax season. 🤢 A bookkeeper can help you take charge of the numbers by taking them completely off your plate and providing you with EXACTLY what you need to know. I work with my clients to make sure they know :

  • How much $$ is coming in

  • Who’s not paying them

  • Where they can save $$

I send them reports and helpful information each month to make sure they know where they stand throughout the year. At tax time, we work together to make sure that deductions are maximized and all documents are submitted in a timely fashion. Easy peasy!

2. They lack organization and/or systems

Maybe organization isn’t your strongest skill, or you’ve been focused on making it work and being their for your clients and customers. That’s OK! While systems and organization are crucial to not only running a successful business, but knowing exactly where you stand and can improve, there are SO many options for you to choose from it can be overwhelming! I help my clients organize their business and help them create processes to track incoming invoices and all expenses. We work together to make sure that these systems work for them and the way they conduct business. What does that mean for you? More time to dedicate to your business - all while the systems we established do the work for you!

3. They are having cash flow issues

Some business owners feel like they are performing really well, but when they look into the numbers, they’re not able to hit their goals. While you’d think that hiring someone to help you with a cash flow issue is counterintuitive, bookkeepers are uniquely qualified to figure out why you’re having cash flow issues AND suggest solutions to resolve the problem. I had a client that was spending thousands of dollars a year on a service that wasn’t providing them any return on investment. We worked together to find a alternate service that was cheaper AND provided them with a greater return than we expected! Win-Win!

4. They don’t really know how

Let’s face the facts. Without a ton of research, most small business owners don’t really know HOW to manage their books. Tax law is frustrating and everchanging, there are tons of options for accounting software and overwhelm is real. We really didn’t sign up for all this BS.

5. They don’t have the TIME

This is where all my clients relate. I know I have mentioned this before, but you didn’t go into business to spend hours classifying transactions, uploading receipts and figuring out your taxes. All my clients value the amount of time they save by having their books managed by PCVA. We take care of all the back office work for them and they can do what they do best - Be BADASS business owners.

Are you thinking about hiring a bookkeeper? Want to see if we’d be a good fit?

Schedule a FREE vibe check, today!


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